How to ACE your next Competency Based Interview
- STRUCTURE | Competency Based Interviews are effectively storytelling. Imagine you are telling a kid a story, it needs a START (once upon a time), MIDDLE, and END (happy ending). The 3 steps are called SITUATION, ACTIONS, and RESULT
- FOCUS | You MUST demonstrate certain actions and behaviours for each competency. If you don’t know what these are, you’ll ramble or lack focus. Therefore, you MUST know what each competency means
- SIMPLICITY | Don’t write pages of text. Instead, use mind maps to plot out what you will seay. This is less daunting, and it’s less likely that you will become overwhelmed with content
Need help with your next Competency Based Interview? Contact Us
I’ve supported thousands of people over the last 20 years, especially those targeting HSE, Public Sector | Civil Service, County Council | Local Authority, An Garda Síochána, and management level roles in secondary education. Of note, I have prepared clients for private sector roles, but these are often hybrid, some competency and some traditional, so it’s a slightly different approach
As well as teaching you the key fundamentals re; competecny based interviews, I will teach you simple strategies to improve your overall delivery, and how to perform at video competency based interviews if required

Competency Based Interview Tips | Job Interview Tips | Interview Coach | Interview Coaching | Dublin