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Capability Based Interviews | Public Sector

Capability Based Interviews Uncovered

At a Capability Based Interviews you will be asked to provide examples and evidence of past behaviour. Also, the panel will explore areas like your skills, knowledge, strengths, motivation and interests. So, you can see this style of interview is a hybrid of a competency-based interview and a traditional job interview

How to prepare for Capability Based Interviews

  • Review Capability Framework to understand what panel looking for
  • Pick relevant and recent example
  • Familiarise yourself with how to structure your answers
  • Review your CV, particularly achievements
  • Be clear about your motivation – WHY you want the role!
  • Be able to answer the 10 common interview questions
  • PRACTICE!! And practice some more!! Then a little more!

Need help with a CAPABILITY BASED INTERVIEW? Contact Us

I can help you, like I’ve helped many others – review Trustpilot

My approach is FUN, PRACTICAL, and KEEP IT SIMPLE!!

“I booked a 1 to 1 session with Paul. I followed his advice and restructured my answers so the content was more targeted, easier for me to remember and engaging for the interview board. It worked as I came first on the panel and I can’t thank him enough for pointing me in the right direction to get the job”

Review the new Capability Framework for Civil Service and Public Sector jobs