ACE Competency Based Interviews | Simple 3-Step Programme
You will learn
- how to structure your answers
- what the interview panel are listening for
- how to build your examples using mind maps
Need help with Public Sector | Civil Service interviews | contact us
I completed my HEO interview, and I am delighted with my overall performance. It really was a lot simpler than previous attempts. The panel were doing a lot of nodding and smiling as I spoke, and this gave me even more confidence. Thanks for all your help and encouragement!!
I provide interview coaching across all levels: Principal Officer | PO, Assistant Principal Officer | AP, Higher Executive Officer | HEO, Executive Officer | EO, Assistant Staff Officer | ASO, Clerical Officer | CO
My approach is “KEEP IT SIMPLE” – simple language and simple process
You will get it!! And your performance will improve significantly!!
I will teach you
- how to structure your examples (or as I call them – stories)
- how to unearth a map to help you focus and stay on the right path
- how to make a strong first and last impression
- how to get your energy and personality across throughout
You wouldn’t go to a driving test without driving lessons
So, why would you go to a competency interview without interview coaching?
My simple 3-step interview skills training programme can help YOU!!
I never guarantee you’ll get the job (panel)
BUT I do guarantee that your performance will be at a very high level
I support client nationwide via Zoom | Dublin | Cork | Galway | Limerick | Galway
Need more information | contact us

Interview Coaching | Top Interview Coach | Ireland